An engineer by qualification and after working for multiple companies, Jyothirmayee JT, the founder and CEO for HiveMinds, a Bengaluru based leading Digital Marketing Company chose to start her own venture. As a sole woman founder, she established HiveMinds in 2010, after consulting with a few US start-ups and made it one of the leading digital marketing agencies in India.
Since World Women’s Day is around the corner, Franchise India approached Jyothirmayee to understand that being a woman entrepreneur, what she thinks about the rise of women entrepreneurs in India and what challenges they face here.
Jyothirmayee takes pride in being a woman entrepreneur and her thoughts reflect in her words. She says, “It is exhilarating, empowering and liberating. The most common scene is you find yourself in a room full of men and you are still strongly making your case and are treated as an equal and not just special. As women, we can hire more women, support them at the workplace with necessary support, and empower them.”
The rise of Women Entrepreneurs in India
Jyothirmayee says, “A movement needs strong role models and stories to be told. We even have global womenleaders who are from India. In the last decade, we saw the banking sector dominated by women at thetop. Women are in the news every day. This makes a positive impact on self-belief, confidenceand aspirations of other women. The Venture Capital are also further supporting the gender diversity amongst entrepreneurs, weeven have seen a rise of women angels and investors. And, at the right time, we are able to build a strong support platform for women, buy-in frompolicymakers and more importantly mentorship and support from the ones who are already successful.”
Challenges women entrepreneurs face in India
She adds, “Mentorship is the largest challenge. Men tend to network better, mingle faster - whether it is atan event or an investor meeting its easier for them to seek help and information more freely. Women need tocontinue to improve the support system. WeConnect, GHC, HerStory, Sheroes and many other organizations are helping on this front.
The most discussed challenge is the gender bias at critical junctures in the entrepreneurshipjourney – co-founders, putting up a team, raising funds. It is essential for women to make it explicit as there are assumptions being made – we need to strongly communicate how we are equally invested and well prepared for the arduous journey as an entrepreneur.”
Words of Encouragement for the Future Women Entrepreneurs
Jyothirmayee’s message for the future women entrepreneurs is:
Women are more resilient, have a larger determination, are diligent and most likely have a naturaltalent to grow, nurture and to lead. Women are born entrepreneurs. Stop heeding to discouraging comments of how will you manage your family or child along with astartup. It is how we plan things around all responsibilities and dependencies. Everything is possible; it is all about our grit and determination.”