A thought about investing your hard-earned money on some stock exchange or property might seem convenient, but the returns could be very dicey. It may happen that the stock market goes down, or maybe the rate of property goes down – and all this will lead you to lose all your hard-earned money at a snap of a finger.
Franchising, on the other hand, could be a better investment opportunity for that it is most likely to gain profit right from day one. Buying a franchise is one of the most sought-after options by the budding entrepreneurs due to several benefits that it offers. Here are some of thebenefits, which make a franchise business a better investment option than any other.
You Become an Entrepreneur
Starting a business from scratch is not everyone’s cup of tea. It requires a different skill set such as leadership and managerial skills, and not everyone is born with these skills (and, of course, huge money is also required). Buying a franchise gives all of them the opportunity to become an entrepreneur by investing lesser money than it will require for starting a business from scratch. This is one of the greatest advantages of becoming a franchisee – you become an entrepreneur just by investing your money in someone else’s business idea.
You Invest in a Proven System
When you invest in someone’s proven system, the chances of losing your money decreases. A mature, well-designed and managed franchise system is one that has been accepted by the masses and hence, doesn’t seem to fail if you fulfill the requirement of the franchisor. Therefore, your money is in good hands and is likely to grow multifold in a proven franchise system.
There are Fewer Chances of Making Mistakes
While starting a new business, you could make several mistakes as you are unfamiliar with the operations of a business at first. Hence, there are more chances of you losing your invested money when you start a business afresh. However, when you choose a franchise business venture, you have a proven model of business, which has been filtered through many stages of quality control that have already been done by your franchisor. Through this tired and tested formula, the franchise owner lets you make fewer mistakes, helping you save a lot of your effort and also to make money in the process.
Franchise is Easier to Finance
Franchise businesses are much easier to finance than independent ones. This is because banks wish to see business plans to show that you can service your debt before sanctioning a loan. With the franchisor’s experience and their support, franchisees can develop professional business plans for leasing companies and other lenders for funding.
Your Exit Value will be higher
A time may come when you will have to exit the franchised business, either by retiring or due tosomething else. You do not have any claims on your franchisor’s equity except for the value it adds to your business during your term. So,when you exit the system (as long as you are able to transfer your business to a new buyer), your exit value will be higher than a new independent business of the same kind.So, you are getting much more (when you leave) than what you invested in the business in the initial phase.