Business Plan is the most important document which needs to be done with utmost care and responsibly as it is going to be the face of your business, it is the shape of your idea, which you have dreamt for.
The business investors and banks are going to know you and your business through your business plan, which is why it is important to take care of the business plan and make it look appealing and convincing to the people, who are willing to invest their time, energy and money in giving it an identity of its own.
Here are some of the tips on how to write a simple but effective business plan and to discuss why a business plan should be simple:
Easy to Read:
All of us are busy in our lives and we already have plenty on our plate to munch on, which is why we should not expect that the person sitting in front of us be it investor, banker, colleague or friend, from whom one is seeking any sort of help in pushing the start button for the business has nothing to do in life except for reading a thousand page long business plan.
Keep the business plan easy to read and keep it within 40 pages and keep only the important points in easiest language possible. You can flaunt your strong vocabulary in later stages but keep it out of business plan.
Keep it Short and Simple:
Not everyone keeps themselves updated with the abbreviations being invented on social media to sound cool, which is why usage of such languages are strictly advised not to use.
Generally while hopping between meetings or while traveling the investors get their time to go through the business plan, which is why it is suggested to keep it short and simple so that it will be easy for them to carry along as well as to go through it and understand your point of view.
Unnecessarily used complicated words will irritate the reader and won’t help in putting your point across, so avoid the big fat words or complicated sentences. Use simple language.
Use Minimal Words and More Info graphs:
Charts and figures help the investors or whosoever is going through your business plan, to get the in-depth knowledge of your business or the field, where you want to firm your roots into.
It also helps in displaying your seriousness towards the business. It will help in saving time from writing long formats and will take minimal space in describing, what might take multiple pages in explaining.
Moreover, charts will help you in describing your point more easily than word format. Excessive words look boring and fall flat on the face.
Make it Look Interesting:
Read your business plan once you are done pointing out important points and work on making them crisp and as easy as possible.
Write in bullet points accompanied by a line of explanation or so and highlight the important points. Avoid small fonts, use only one font throughout the plan, use proper spellings and grammar, give proper spacing between words and paragraphs, these are some of the things one needs to keep in mind before presenting the business plan to concerned personalities.