Vedantu, a pioneer in LIVE online tutoring in India, has launched its early Learner classes, “Vedantu Superkids”, for students belonging to Kindergarten right till Grade 5. Research indicates that children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life and need the best support as they grow and develop. Therefore, this program is defined by a holistic approach to impart life skills in children in both academics and non-academics.
The program will include a project-driven coding program for students between the age group of 6-12 years. English reading for children between the age group of 3-6 years will be launched shortly. The program not only focusses on the learning outcomes but also the developmental outcomes including Cognitive, Sensory, and Linguistic.
Owing to COVID-19, 8,58,01,393 students in the pre-primary and primary schools have been affected in India alone. On a global level, there have been 191 country wide-school closures (as per UNESCO). Responding to the disruption in educational institutions, Vedantu has strongly stepped in to guide pre-primary and primary school students (3-12 years) so that their learning can continue from the safe confines of their home.
Using state-of-the-art technology, the Vedantu Superkids platform is designed to cater to a child’s needs through a best in class learner experience. To keep the child engaged and provide a rich learning experience, the session will be conducted by a certified educator one-on-one on Vedantu’s LIVE online learning platform.
Vedantu’s certified educators across domains will handhold the child in his or her learning process, completely personalizing the experience. Rich animation & gamification will be used to make the sessions more interactive and engaging. The entire gamification will be tracked, analyzed, and reported for tangible outcomes. A parent’s presence is mandatory for the language program and optional for the Coding session. The duration for the Language Program will be 40 mins and Coding classes will be 1 hour. Vedantu is offering FREE trial classes for children to experience the session first-hand.
Vamsi Krishna, CEO & Co-Founder, Vedantu, said, “As a pioneer in the LIVE online learning model, it was natural for us to address the needs of smaller children whose learning schedules have been disrupted. This is a time when children need to be engaged with the right learning experience in the comfort of their homes. Through Vedantu Superkids, we are creating a series of programs as stepping stones to achieve the larger objective of developing a strong foundation in children.”
“Our teachers will take a 360-degree approach to teach children about life skills. Our pedagogy is unique, and all our resources are well researched as well as scientifically developed to meet all learning and developmental needs. We are confident that children will enjoy the sessions, learn more, and parents will be equally satisfied with the outcomes of Vedantu Superkids,” he added.