Why Is It Essential To Have Yoga On The Curriculum?

Why Is It Essential To Have Yoga On The Curriculum?

Why Is It Essential To Have Yoga On The Curriculum?
Yoga Is An Essential Part Of An Entire Activity Program, Which Increases The Flexibility And Strength, Fulfilling A Large Portion Of The Requirement For A Healthy Body.

Yoga is the exercise of the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the individual that was coined in ancient India. Yoga has been demarcated as unification with the divine, main objective of being emancipation.

National Curriculum Framework categorized Yoga as an integral component of health and physical education, which should be a mandatory subject till the secondary school. Through the process of controlled breathing and improved focus, Yoga teaches to calm oneself in distressing times. Thereby creating a positive impact on the social and mental development of a child which is a necessity in the current time. The postures of yoga are beneficial to eliminate health ailments, helping the students to fight many problems.

Thereby creating a positive impact on the social and mental development of a child which is a necessity in the current time.

Managing stress

Educating students to manage stress can help them in all spheres of life. Schools being incredibly stressful, teaching them to handle stress through the proper channeling of energy guides them to a stress-free life. It also helps in building confidence in order to carry forward various kinds of work.

Resilience to bullying

Yoga can encourage students to love themselves and embrace their uniqueness. This probably won’t contribute in eliminating bullying, but will surely make them more resilient.

Implementing yoga in every school can reap a lot of benefits, it helps in building all-round fitness not only for children but also for adults in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Practicing yoga regularly helps in keeping weight under control, increasing the flexibility of the body.

In school, it can help students deal with stress, reducing the suicide rates found amongst school children.

With so many health benefits and mental peace, it will help students to be a better individual and perform high in their life professionally as well as personally. Hence it will be very beneficial for the kids to have yoga as a separate subject in the school.

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