Despite being in its blooming phase, the Indian animation industry is attracting global and national players for exploring the country as a talent pool for animation and graphic related contents.
In conversation with Franchise India, Amit Kumar Jindal, Vice-president, Gopi Chand and Sons, enlightens us more about the brand, the USP and the benefits of Make in India Campaign.
Agriculture technology, popularly known as Agri Tech, has paved the way for the required transformation in agricultural sector in India and is able to entice people from the field of technology towards it.
Apart from tapping tier 2 & tier 3 cities and religious destinations to spread its reach in the country, Hyatt will also be looking at franchising opportunities.
Edupreneurs are taking many steps in this regard to overcome this shortcoming. Courses such as ‘Teaching Pre Teenagers’ have been launched to provide skills and train teachers to handle kids aged 10-13. This is the age when children grow up learning to tak...
Identifying your unrecognized talent is an important aspect to explore before you venture into the ground zero. Here are five business ideas for women.
Recently, the brand has opened two outlets in Malad (Mumbai) and Bhopal based on “live-kitchen” concept, enhancing the customer experience to a new level.
Growing stress level and changing lifestyle directly impacts on the skin and increases chances of ageing. To beat the unwanted signs of ageing, Lotus Herbals has introduced YouthRx Anti-Ageing Transforming Crème.
In an interaction with Aditya Malik, CEO & MD, Talentedge, Franchise India finds out more about edTech business, growth factors, and future of online learning.