A global food policy initiative, Tasting India Symposium brings together the various links in the food chain such as from farmers and food processors to hotels and restaurants, chefs and consumers.
An educator who is highly qualified, skilled, and rich with several sorts of information could prefer to start their own educational consulting business.
The new policy will pay particular attention to Indian languages, sports and mathematics, overlapping and multiple regulatory mechanisms in higher education and strengthening of public institutions.
Thyrocare was the second diagnostics company to list on the stock exchanges, pipping even larger peers including SRL Ltd, part of Fortis Healthcare, and Metropolis Healthcare.
India’s leading multi-brand certified used car firm, Mahindra First Choice Wheels Ltd. (MFCWL), lately launched its 300th franchise outlet in Mulund, Mumbai. The Group Executive Board Member and President, Rajeev Dubey, said, “Our conviction in the Mahind
The entrepreneurship curriculum will be taught from classes 9 to 12 for equipping the students to face in a better way the challenges of life after education.