As consumers switching to natural ingredients based products, which may incorporate herbal, organic or Ayurvedic ingredients in its formulation, a broadening scope ...
The 6th Indian Education Congress was a golden opportunity for mind boggling entrepreneurs comprising with a platform for leading personalities dominating the ...
Changing lifestyle has pushed the demand of nutritious supplements, seen stocked in the pharmacies nowadays. Here is a report highlighting the growing ...
??Incorporated in 2015, ABC Clinic completely transforms the customers in terms of hair loss, skin rejuvenation etc. In an exclusive interview Thirumal ...
Ensuring re-visit of clients in salons and spas across the country, Kolkata-based Loyalie has conceptualised a unique business model under which the ...
O'Ziva nutrition brand to include meal replacement shakes, protein shakes for fitness enthusiasts enhanced with the deep rooted ancient science of Ayurveda ...