QSR brand Biggies Burger has revealed it is all set to raise Rs 25-30 crore to expand its presence in metros, tier 2 and 3 cities. The capital will be used to optimize supply chains, improvise on brand positioning and customer experiences. Mainly focused on the Southern markets (especially Bengaluru and Chennai), Biggies Burger plans to achieve Rs 10 crore monthly revenue, leveraging a franchise-first growth model.
Speaking with Franchise India, Biraja Rout, founder of Biggies Burger said, "This model is more than a business strategy. We look at it as a movement to democratize foodpreneurship."
The company is eyeing rapid and aggressive expansion in metros, tier 2 and 3 cities where it has built a scalable supply chain. Biggies Burger has also established rigorous training programs for franchisees to maintain operational consistency and quality.
Biraja Rout, founder of Biggies Burger confirmed the brand’s plans to Franchise India and said, "We would optimize our supply chain by investing in advanced logistics and inventory management systems to ensure consistency across our growing network. In addition to this, funds would be allocated towards brand-building by amplifying our presence through targeted marketing campaigns that position Biggies as a modern, aspirational brand with Indian roots. We will also channel funds into enhancing customer experiences through technology.”